Confindustria Ceramica

Formazioneby Enrica Gibellini28   Aprile   2014

The training portfolio for ceramic professionals

An electronic device to manage professionals’ lifelong learning experience

The Professional Training Portfolio for the ceramic sector has made its way into the world: it is an important device, a sort of training record of personal achievements which will help companies to optimize training activities while providing professionals with a paper that certifies all the qualifications and knowledge they have acquired through their vocational training process. In a few words, it can demonstrate prior learning experience.

This Portfolio stems from the Italian “Libretto formativo” (training Portfolio) which was presented in 2003 by the Biagi law but which is still not fully enacted at a regional and national level.
Within the November 22nd 2010 CCNL (the Italian collective bargaining agreement – CBA) Confindustria Ceramica and the Trade Unions committed to implementing such document, called Training Portfolio for ceramic professionals, which allows full traceability of the professional’s know how and experience during is or her working life. Later on in July 2012 a trade union agreement containing detailed terms and conditions was signed.

The Professional Training Portfolio for the ceramic sector meets the law’s indications and prepares the ground for what will be the national professional training portfolio for citizens.  
The Portfolio runs on an informatized platform which allows a more effective identification of training requirements, enabling firms to act so as to enhance their workers’ skills. The informatized platform was presented to ceramic firms last July. Over the last few months it has been perfected and it is now available to all associate members free of charge.

It is a real electronic training management: companies fill in the form with the professionals’personal data (certificates and qualifications) and at a later stage add any information concerning training courses and seminars attended during the time spent within the company.
The company will be able to check at any time what learning experience a particular worker has and to have a general view of the staff training level.
Companies in the ceramic sector have always stressed the importance of lifelong learning, in particular health and safety at work. Many are the companies that have embraced the Portfolio and use it effectively.