Confindustria Ceramica

surfaces group23   Giugno   2020

Surfaces Group means Innovation on a global scale

For perfectly matt outdoor coverings, indoor finishes, surfaces and countertops SURFACES TECHNOLOGICAL ABRASIVES propose the new FLEXITE TECHNOLOGY range for the lapping and matt finishing of all types of slab, large or small. Available in various binder gauges to treat slabs with different degrees of hardness and roughness, from ceramic to stoneware, and in various sizes and grains for every type of matt finishing desired. The tools work in sequence for the lapping and satin finishing and are shaped by the surface. FLEXITE D (diamond) has a high stock removal rate at high speed to create a flat and perfectly uniform surface. Thanks to the elasticity of the binder it also treats structured tiles with excellent results. FLEXITE C (silicon carbide) creates the desired finish, giving the surface its characteristic silky appearance and soft feel.

The products of the NOCOAT range, the Group’s leading brand, work in synergy with the Surfaces tools for the protective chemical treatment of surfaces. Always at the cutting-edge in the development of the best solutions, NoCoat has obtained important Class A+ VOC-free certification for its METPICK and METCLEAN products free of compounds like formaldehyde and benzene. The MOCA Project, already launched, will make it possible to certify the durability of the treated surfaces even when they come into contact with food, including highly reactive substances like lemon and tomato. The surface remains perfect, glossy and impeccable, and above all safe. The health of consumers and the environment perfectly protected.
In response to the Covid-19 emergency, thanks to its expertise in the area of chemical treatments the NoCoat R&D Department has studied and selected the most effective components for guaranteeing the safe sanitising of surfaces and people. The SAFE CARE line consists of
No-rinse biodegradable Surface Sanitiser which dries quickly without leaving marks.
Hand Sanitiser, available in both the travel-size and 500 ml options, complemented by the elegant Dispenser Column for public and professional spaces.
Having successfully risen to these challenges, the Surfaces Group is already working on new objectives.