Confindustria Ceramica

28   Maggio   2015

Ceramica and Laterizi federation

“Federazione Evoluta Confindustria Ceramica e Laterizi” formed

As part of the process of organisational reform under way within Confindustria (the so-called “Pesenti Reform”), the Executive Boards of Confindustria Ceramica and the brick and roof tile manufacturers’ association Andil have unanimously resolved to upgrade the status of their joint federation (“Federazione Confindustria Ceramica e Laterizi”) from a “Comune Federazione” (“normal federation”), the form in which it has been operating since 2009 with positive results and without additional costs for companies, into a “Federazione di settore” (“sector federation”) pursuant to the Reform. This change of status was recently approved by the competent confederal committee for implementation of the reform. Although the individual associations will maintain their own articles of incorporation, bodies and facilities, the change of status will bring significant efficiencies in terms of services and the use of available resources, including:

-     joint payment of contributions to Confindustria and the European Federation Cerame Unie, of which both associations are already members, along with joint management of other relations with these organisations

-     progressive integration of services and common management of external relations in important areas such as energy, environment, green building and EU activity

-    organisation of the Federation’s various areas into a specific organisational chart, which will be set up over the coming months prior to the deadline of December 2015.

The Federation’s Chairman Franco Manfredini is its representative on the Executive Board of Confindustria, which took office following the public meeting held today in Milan. “The fact that the Federazione Ceramica e Laterizio (Ceramic and Brick Federation) is represented on Confindustria’s Executive Board is a clear indication of the importance of these two sectors in the field of Italian manufacturing,” said Franco Manfredini. “My presence on the board is an opportunity to offer analysis and put forward proposals regarding key issues for the manufacturing industry such as those concerning the country’s competitiveness.”